Course curriculum
DaDOM online teacher training
Who is the DaDOM teacher training for?
Vocational education as a force for change in the care sector
Your Music
The Soundtrack of My Life Part 1
Music is Everywhere
Self-Concious Voices
Words as Music
Soundtrack of My Life Part 2
1. How does music work?
1.1 Music as....
1.2 Music in Society - How is it working for you?
1.3 Conclusion
2. Why music in healthcare?
3. Delivery of music in person-centred care
3.1 Biography
3.2 Context
3.3 Musical Interventions
3.4 Conclusion
1. Teaching music in healthcare in vocational education
2. Integrating DaDOM into your care programmes
2.1 The Netherlands
2.2 Lithuania
2.3 Iceland
2.4 Practial steps
3. Integrating DaDOM into work placements
3.1 The Netherlands
3.2 Lithuania
3.3 Iceland
3.4 Practical steps
4. Integrating DaDOM into your school
4.1 The Netherlands
4.2 Lithuania
4.3 Iceland
4.4 Practical steps
Introduction to getting to know the DaDOM student curriculum
Lesson 1: Introduction
1.1: Scientific basis - Roles of Music in Human Life
1.2: Scientific basis - Music in Healthcare
1.3: Scientific basis - Music is Common Sense
1.4: Lesson plan & Delivery
1.5: Tips & Activities
1.6: Reflection
Lesson 2: Music and the Brain
2.1 Scientific basis - Effects of music on the brain
2.2 Scientific basis - Effects of music on the brain - part 2
2.3 Scientific basis - Music as a stimulus for physiological and psycho-emotional responses
2.4 Scientific basis - Music-based interventions for people with dementia
2.5 Scientific basis - Music in everyday nursing
2.6 Lesson plan & Delivery
2.7 Tips & Activities
2.8 Reflection
Lesson 3: Sound environment
3.1 Scientific basis - Sound environment
3.2 Scientific basis - Improving sound environment
3.3 Scientific basis - Sound environment as a tool for peace
3.4 Workplace application - sound environment
3.5 Lesson plan & Delivery
3.6 Tips & Activities
3.7 Reflection
Lesson 4: Using Music
4.1 Scientific background - Using music in healthcare
4.2 Scientific background - PAMI and person-centered care
4.3 Scientific background - Attunement
4.4 Scientific background - Music
4.5 Scientific background - Interaction
4.6 Scientific background - The role of music in PAMI - Framing
4.7 Scientific background - The role of music in PAMI - Adjustment
4.8 Scientific background - The role of music in PAMI - Relationships
4.9 Scientific background - Further research and reading
4.10 Workplace applications - Using music in healthcare
4.11 Workplace applications - Morning Care
4.12 Workplace applications - Inclusion and social contact
4.13 Workplace applications - Musical relationships to prevent restlessness
4.14 Lesson plan & Delivery
4.15 Tips & Activities
4.16 Reflection
Lesson 5: Working systematically
5.1 Scientific basis - Working systematically
5.2 Workplace application - Working systematically
5.3 Lesson plan & Delivery
5.4 Tips & activities
5.5 Reflection
Lesson 6: Music therapists
6.1 Scientific basis - What is music therapy?
6.2 Scientific basis - Working together
6.3 Scientific basis - Musicians
6.4 Workplace application - Working alongside music therapists and musicians
6.5 Lesson plan & delivery
6.6 Tips & Activities
6.7 Reflection
Lesson 7: Final Assignment
7.1 Workplace application - Linking the assignment to the workplace
7.2 Lesson plan & delivery
7.3 Tips & activities
7.4 Reflection